Nearly 1/3 of U.S. workers plan to leave their job in the next six months.
90% of recruiters continue to feel the labor market is candidate-driven
Bad hires can cost organizations up to 30% of their annual salary to replace
“Leaders of companies that go from good to great start not with ‘where’ but with ‘who.’ They start by getting the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats.”
– Jim Collins, “Good to Great”
TalentEdge was established to help organizations get the right people on the bus. There are a lot of staffing companies willing to charge a placement fee to find the “right” people, regardless of position. But how good are their recruiters? Are they the people you want representing your brand? We’ve been around long enough to know that in many cases, the answer to that question is an unqualified “no.” We’ve also seen our share of corporate recruiters who are simply not equipped to proactively find the talent necessary to drive their organizations to greatness.
We look at hiring differently at TalentEdge. We believe hiring the best people starts by engaging the best recruiters. They are the ones on the front line in the War for Talent, who should be identifying and delivering the best talent possible, not just the talent that responded to a job posting. They represent your brand and directly impact how people view your organization, inside and out.
Bottom line: recruiting is one of the most critical disciplines in any organization. And we’re here to help.
Hiring great recruiters probably isn’t the core of your business. But it is the core of ours.
When it comes to identifying highly qualified recruiting talent, TalentEdge is second to none. Our sourcing, screening, and selection processes are built around identifying the difference between the right recruiter, and the right now recruiter.
We are constantly meeting and networking with recruiters – those who are actively looking, and also those who are perfectly happy in their current role but are open to hearing about new opportunities. It is that pool of exceptional talent that is very difficult to tap into when you decide you need to quickly expand your recruiting team.
TalentEdge provides the talent pipeline our clients need to hire not just the best recruiting talent available, but the best recruiting talent, period.
Sometimes spikes in hiring require additional recruiting support ASAP, but there isn’t time or justification to hire a full-time recruiter to your team. That’s when engaging a contract recruiter makes the most sense. Then the trick is finding the right recruiter, with the right experience, who is available immediately, for the right amount of time. No easy task, unless that task happens to be what you do day in and day out.
Often companies turn to their existing staffing vendors to find contract recruiters, but this can be a mistake. You probably wouldn’t hire an accountant through an IT staffing firm, so why would you use that same firm to find a recruiter? Since it’s not core to their business, they may be tempted to treat your need as a one-off: A quick job board search, an email asking “are you available, will you take this rate?” and a submittal. Not exactly a formula for YOUR success.
Your hiring is too important to be left to amateurs. TalentEdge is a strategic HR partner focused on finding the best on-demand recruiting talent our clients need.
You hire your employees based on expertise and cultural fit. So do we.
At times, spikes in hiring are so big that hiring a contract recruiter (or two) isn’t enough. You need to bring in a team of recruiters to accomplish your short-term hiring goals, onboard the new employees, then… well, leave. TalentEdge’s highly customizable project recruiting solution can do just that.
Whether it’s staffing a brand-new location, ramping up a new call center, or bringing on the team to handle a big new client, TalentEdge can provide the recruiting muscle you need to quickly get the job done. Your location (or ours), your processes (or ours), your leadership (or ours), your… you get the picture.
More and more, companies are streamlining their internal staff to focus on their core business and relying on strategic business partners to cost effectively do the rest. Recruiting Process Outsourcing, or RPO, is comprised of all or part of the candidate sourcing, screening and selection process. We take over responsibility for managing and staffing the recruiting function, including technology, people, processes and reporting.
TalentEdge RPO solutions provide expert recruiting to match our clients’ unique hiring needs. Peaks and valleys or steady hiring, local or global needs, high volume or hard-to-find skill sets – it doesn’t matter. TalentEdge RPO can do it cost effectively and faster than most internal recruiting functions can deliver.